An Elegy

This month has been full of surprises. Peter and I were briefly expecting twins. God had blessed us abundantly. These two pure souls brought us closer together and left a mark on our lives. Their time was short yet significant. I have been overwhelmed by the beautiful support given by women who have experienced similar loss. It is a journey no one wants to take alone. Thank you all for your encouragement and prayers dear friends. I know this is part of our journey and all part of God’s goodness. It is simply one of the more painful parts.

Mourning Possible

It is hard to mourn Possible
A chance not taken
Love not given
A glance forsaken

Feet never touching ground
Eyes never drinking sky
Lips that never giggled
Or breathed a deep sigh

Heart that never longed
Imagination stalled too soon
Kept in a tiny prison
A failed cocoon

But O Possible!
I felt you welling up within
A spark of life
New joy given again

They say you left with Chance
Or perhaps it was with Pain
Yet, know you left not a scar
For where you laid Hope remains
